Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eventual Name Change and Server Move

Some of you probably have come by my post in the MBN Forums, but for those of you who haven't, here's the deal.

The name of this blog is "Nathanial Conant" right now, but that has really been a temporary name until I could come up with one that would better describe what this blog will be about.

Currently I list this blog as being "A blog about my financial goals, successes, failures and discoveries."  Well, that will definitely change at the same time.  While those topics will show up from time to time, I have decided that I want to discuss the basic building blocks of personal financial success.  These building blocks will not only include concrete things like equations, but more abstract ideas as well.

To that end, please expect a name change in the next couple days and a server change in 2-4 weeks.  When the change occurs, I will be moving all current posts to the new server and will no longer be updating here after that.

I'll keep you updated on the process as I go.


Now back to your irregular updates (a more relevant post later today).

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