Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mini-Update on This Weeks Mini-Goals

While I will give full updates next weekend, I will also provide mini-updates, such as this one as my mini-goals are completed.

One mini-goal complete and one half done.  During the school year our local library is open for a short time on Sundays, so I went and paid off my overdue fines and checked out not one, but two books.  The books checked out are A Million Bucks By 30 by Alan Corey and The ABC's of Getting Out of Debt by Garrett Sutton.

In Million Bucks, Mr. Corey describes how he worked a 9-to-5 job for six years and achieved a seven-digit net worth.  This book is copyright 2008 and was just added to my library's collection this past Wednesday.

ABC's is part of the Rich Dad's Advisors series and claims to describe how to "Turn Bad Debt into Good Debt and Bad Credit into Good Credit," we shall see.  This book is copyrighted 2004.

For more information or to purchase either of these books, please click on the appropriate Amazon affiliate link below.

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