Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More For My Rant

I've seen people estimate how much they would or do save by cutting out the Starbucks coffee.  But how about those who won't do it?

We offer a punch card that allows customers to purchase 9 brewed coffees (not espresso based or other specialty drinks) and get the 10th brewed coffee free.  I've had regulars refuse the card despite the savings.  Just as an example, we sell a 16 0z brewed coffee for about $2, including tax.  Now, without the card, you'd pay $20 for 10 cups of coffee, but you'd save 10% ($2) by using the card.  Taking this out to the full academic year (3 quarters with 10 weeks of class and a week of exams, 33 weeks [32 for calculations]), and assuming 5 cups/week, that's 160 cups, 16 of which can be free, a savings of $32, next years note taking supplies (during back-to-school sales).

The moral: If you go someplace, and there's a chance of going back, take any punch cards they offer.

On a side note, unless you plan to buy more than $250 worth of books, DON'T get Barnes and Noble's membership card ($25 membership fee, 10% savings on the "cheap" books [soft cover, older books, etc.]), go with Border's Rewards (free, e-mail every week or two with upwards of 20% off [sometimes 50%], and offers printed at checkout).  Of course, your best bet is your local library, returning/renewing on-time (our libraries are tax [in my particular town, part of school taxes/budget] & fine funded).

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